UTAU Camila Melodia scrapyesi-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yesi-chan/art/UTAU-Camila-Melodia-scrap-123106012yesi-chan

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UTAU Camila Melodia scrap



A sketch of my UTAUloid Camila Melodia

She's 20 and is supposed to be able to sing in Japanese,
Spanish and English. Name was inspired on the music group "Camila" and melodia well that's melody in Spanish xD

drawing, character © me :iconyesi-chan:

PS I purposely tried to make her the least like an UTAU/Vocaloid as possible.

I changed her hairstyle a bit because I noticed the original braided haristyle looked too much like Sekka Yufu and I wanted to avoid trouble so I tried to make it more like my gaia avatar :) [link]

You can see her blog here:
Image size
259x700px 69.8 KB
© 2009 - 2025 yesi-chan
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VincentDeLeon's avatar
Hi there! :D
I am planning on make Camilla sing "Romeo and Cinderella", since you haven't made yet (at least I didn't found) :la:
Can I draw her in that "not-so-decent" pose? Is just for recording... >_>
I'll tell you when I finish :la: