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Some More Poses



I was suggested to draw some more fighting poses but I don't really draw a lot of fight scenes so I couldn't think of anything besides these. And also interestingly enough they have female builds xD. If you use them as loose references I'm sure you can come up with guys fighting too. Just keep in mind these are meant as loose pose references and not really an anatomy tutorial or anything like that. I did add some hands and feet references, some of which I did use my own hands as reference so they might be more helpful than the actual poses.

Anyways if you do need more action poses I actually suggest you look at shonen manga (if you draw anime/manga style) or just go to
The poses I provide for reference are completely thought up by me without me myself using references so there's only so much I can do.

More poses:

You are free to use any of these for whatever picture you want, be it reference, tracing, completing, base. Just take your pic. I do however ask that you credit me for the base and link back here if you directly trace over this for bases, or whatever. If you only used it for loose reference I don't mind if you credit or not but it'd be nice and I'd appreciate if you linked back here. Ok well have fun!

Also remember these are very rough sketches so if you use them keep in mind you might want to alter or fix somethings.
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1280x960px 157.4 KB
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Wolfninja137's avatar
B*tch slapped 'em XD