*cough cough*
Hello, I am troll who is pretending to be a young child who is dead, and i wish to waste you time with this chain mail. So you can't stop reading, even though you are capable of looking away or closing the tab.
Anyway, I am a young child who was killed so somehow I have managed to get wi-fi internet connection when I'm in a coffin. I was brutally murdered, yet nobody wiped all the blood off of my face, which is just plain lazy. If you don't post this 1000 times in 10 seconds I will kill you, which is just plain over reacting since nothing is going to happen to me if you don't post it. So you have been warned, I will kill you if you don't post it, despite the fact that I don't know where you live and I'm also dead, therefore unable to move or get out of my coffin. If you do post it, then you are retarded. Congratulations.