I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.yayacosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yayacosplay/art/I-m-not-bad-I-m-just-drawn-that-way-327345757yayacosplay

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yayacosplay's avatar

I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.



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Love this pair of photos Leonard grabbed at Dragoncon. The lighting fits the character well.
Jessica Rabbit - Who framed Roger Rabbit
Costume made & modeled by me
photo by Ljinto

Jessica Rabbit has always been one of the most mesmerizing cartoon characters to me - as a kid she made me watch the movie over and over again, and as a cosplayer, she was always a huge challenge for me to portrait. I've been collecting materials for her for almost 2 years, and wanted to make this costume to the best to my abilities.

The shape is not photoshopped, just clever cosplay engineering.
I drafted & made a custom corset to create the extreme shape and then made the dress to fit over it. I engineered 2 Victoria's Secret Miraculous bras into the corset, which is steel boned coutil. The extreme illusion is created by pulling in the waist, padding the top and wearing a booty bump hahaha.
The dress itself is made from a spandex sequin fabric, and 1000+ S20 Swarovski crystals are glued on the fabric for
extra bling, tedious time consuming handywork with help from Mary Cahela. I specifically chose pink instead of red for the dress because in the movie her famous singing scene features a pink dress. I also like the color combo: orange hair/pink dress/purple gloves more than the red dress which can sometimes come across as "lady of the night" in certain lighting. Pink makes the entire outfit look more cartoon-y!
Here is a reference image of Jessica in the pink dress.
Here is a youtube video of Jessica in the pink dress doing her famous stage performance from the movie.
Here is a work in progress collage of my Jessica Rabbit dress.

I adore my wig which is a Matilda from Arda Wigs! Styled with help from Ara Fernando!

I also went with the route of cartoon makeup, covering up my eyebrows and painting over them. It was a risky choice for makeup, and since Dragoncon I got my share of comments about going drag lol, but when I decided to portray such an iconic character as Jessica Rabbit, I didn't want to fall short of the makeup when everything else was so exaggerated.

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JR-22's avatar

You are so gorgeous