Find Your Own, part oneyatsu on DeviantArt

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yatsu's avatar

Find Your Own, part one



-- well, if you ask me, this should go in the artisan crafts tutorial section, but since those snobs won't let us submit bookbinding projects to that section, they don't get the tutorial for them, either.

-- this is the first part of a multi-(multi-)part tutorial, which will ultimately culminate in the production of a replica indiana jones grail diary. yep, inside pages an' all. ...coz i'm running for All-Time Nerd of the Ages, probably.

-- you'll want to click the "download" button over there on the side. it's a PDF.

-- indiana jones ftw!
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yoboseiyo's avatar
"And the award for most dorky nerd of all time goes to: ..... yatsu..... what a surprise."

yeah, we all saw this coming.