Deviation Actions
Badge Awards
AaarrrGGGHHH... DO I have to REPEAT myself AGAIN about THIS unsolveable problem of mine: TRYING TO GET A 'Daily Deviation' RANK FOR ANY OF MY PICS?!?!?! EVERY SINGLE time I try ASKING about this on VARIOUS pics CONTAINING THIS medal ON THEM, absolutely NO ONE AROUND even CARES or WANTS to HELP ME OUT in GETTING IT, and it just REALLY ANNOYS me to the EXTREME. T_T* But even when I ALSO asked in a DA forum topic I made today, others responded but NOT in a NICE way - they MISUNDERSTOOD, LASHED AT ME and SAID "your shared pic for DD approval sucks, it wasn't made by you". Which WAS TOTALLY EVIL OF THEM TO SAY THIS on me, because I ONLY ASKED a SIMPLE and HONEST QUESTION about HOW to GET a Daily Deviation award for AT LEAST JUST ONE pic of mine in my gallery, like THIS one that I desire MOST:
I feel like saying, WHY?! -_-' >:/ THIS PIC of mine is NICE and WORKED HARD ON by MY FRIEND from Ecuador, and it NEEDS a Daily Deviation medal. But NO matter HOW MANY times I SAY ALL THIS, NO ONE around here even CARES, or WOULD LIKE to offer me a direction to achieving this. Not EVEN THESE "authors" here who HAVE got a DD award, because well NONE OF THEM ever either NOTICE, CARE or REPLY to MY MESSAGE OF ANGER AND DESIRE here, because THEY ALWAYS GO THEIR WAY. Ridiculous!!!!! T_T* T_T* T_T* T_T* T_T*