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Yashima Mishto
6 Watchers22 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Photography
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Yashima Mishto lives and works in Ber­lin since 2003. YM has been work­ing with the medium of pho­to­graphy since 1994. Mishto's pho­to­graphy focuses on the explor­a­tion of the deep-running waters of erot­i­cism. YM's exclus­ive col­lab­or­a­tion with ama­teur mod­els has allowed depicting the unar­tic­u­lated sexu­al­ity, exhib­i­tion­ism, and cen­sured fantas­ies of a met­ro­pol­itan cul­ture which is still very far from sexual matur­ity. After ini­tial mis­ad­ven­tures in 2002, Yashima became a woman, played by one of his most cher­ished mod­els at exhib­i­tions and other pub­lic events. In 2007, Yashima again assumed his male iden­tity, hop­ing that his art would finally find a pub­lic which will approach it without any sex­ist pre­con­cep­tions. Yashima is fight­ing the over­bear­ing cen­sor­ship which affects both male and female, which acts before any gender dis­crim­in­a­tion, chain­ing the human being with any reg­u­lated kind of sexual inclin­a­tion. By invest­ig­at­ing Erot­i­cism as a means of com­mu­nic­a­tion, Mishto tries to demon­strate the mech­an­isms of oppres­sion inher­ent to our soci­ety. Besides his main above cited interest, Yashima col­lects vari­ous travel report­ages (from Cuba, Marocco, Thai­l­and, India, Viet­nam and Malay­sia, to name a few) and is involved with a long-running pro­ject regard­ing "Diversity", car­ried out in col­lab­or­a­tion with Uni­ver­sit­ies and NGOs.
By Yashima mishto - Solo exhibiton. Erotic photography.   Concept. Throughout most of our lives, many of us are plagued with this discomfort of not “fitting in.” To deal with this discomfort, most of us quickly learn how to emphasize aspects of ourselves that others find acceptable and hide the parts that are too weird to expose. We learn how to adapt, how to construct a mask that keeps us hidden and therefore, safe. “Life of a Singularity” is a metaphor of each of us. The story of human beings, of separate singularities who try to conceal the differences that divide us, to conform, to become normal, or simply to be. Life of a singularity...
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Fundraising Success! A very warmhearted  Thank You to all the contributors and people  who supported my book project  Life of a Singularity! Including those who are following me through DeviantART. For all others who are interested in buying the book, they can find it at Soho's Original Bookshop, 12 Brewer St London   W1F 0SF
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Yashima Mishto y el espectaculo appears in ACTUALIDADFOTO www.actualidadfoto.com
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