Atari BrushesYarrum2 on DeviantArt

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Atari Brushes



Okey, this post, is actually to show two things, the vector above =D

and, the pack of brushes that i made =)
i kind of was aiming to something like "tech"
but it turn out to look like ATARI video games :D

atari it is ;D
hope you find good use to it
tell me if you use it
and refer it back to me ^^

be well
be happy

and hey, be nice, visit my gallery [link] :)

Okey, esse post na verdade é para mostrar duas coisas, o vetor acima

e o pacote de brushes que eu fiz =)
eu começei pensando em fazer algo "tech"
mas no final, acabou parecendo mais um video game do ATARI :D

fica sendo como atari :D
espero que vocês achem bom uso para os brushes
se acharem e usarem, me deem um toque
e façam referencia de volta ao meu profile ^^

be well
be happy
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