yapi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yapi/art/Tibetan-Dagger-90544573yapi

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Tibetan Dagger



I was at the Tattoo Convention here in Dalian and there was a Tibetan Tattoo Apprentice who needed someone to work on for practice (along with his master, of course). He asked me if he could do some work on me for free. However, he could only do Tibetan designs.

Since there weren't any artists available who could do the Celtic band that I wanted, and I couldn't afford the cost to expand the tat on my back just that day (the artist I wanted asked for an equivalent of US $300 for the work and I only had $200), it didn't seem like such a bad idea.

I told him that if he could do a dagger design on me, I'm all for it. I originally wanted a norse/viking style dagger or sword for my foream, but hey, a Tibetan one doesn't sound so bad either. Since I'm currently working in China anyway, why not take something Chinese back with me :P If we understood each other well (he only speaks broken English and I only speak broken Chinese), this is a Tibetan God's dagger.

His master drew the design on me with markers then he tattooed the lineart. Then his master took over again to do the shading.

Oh, and before anyone calls me a Nazi because of that Swastika, please remember that I am in Asia, where that symbol is actually a good thing, and not something that represents Hitler. Please read this wiki for more info: [link]

Oh, and since I saw how much effort both he and his master put into this (the detail on this thing made my other two tattoos look plain) I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't give them some money for it. So I gave the Chinese currency equivalent of $100. It seemed fair. They treated me to dinner afterwards :D
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darkchapel666's avatar
Dapat magbasa muna sila ng BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL