Prison breakYannickBouchard on DeviantArt

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January 8, 2012
Prison break by *YannickBouchard "The stand-out piece in the latest Fotalia contest, this artist perfectly captured the theme in a concise, funny, stylized and all-in-all amazing work." This was an entry into the Contests / 2011 / Plans Gone Wrong Contest.
Featured by WDWParksGal
Suggested by jabberwockymissi
YannickBouchard's avatar

Prison break



I thought that the absurdity of the elements we had to choose from required a comical approach, and I thought a good old slapstick comedy situation would work well here, with a classic prison break attempt.

Things seemed to go pretty well, oh but was it an unfortunate miscalculation, or was it intentional on Panda's part that our heros' tunnel to freedom led up to the kitchen?

Oh yeah, and if anyone wonders, this all digitally painted, no photomanipulation. All done with Photoshop and wacom tablet.

DD edit:
Just want to say a big thanks to everyone for the positive comments and favourites! I really appreciate your support and kind words! A BIG THANKS (<bold letters, see?) goes to :iconjabberwockymissi: for suggesting this! You really are a sweet pie! And of course thanks to wdwparksgal for featuring it!!
Image size
930x930px 1.11 MB
© 2011 - 2025 YannickBouchard
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Moqffea's avatar
Hahahaha!!!!!!!! It's the amazing and funny ... It is a fantasy art