Windows Phone 7 Iconsyankoa on DeviantArt

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yankoa's avatar

Windows Phone 7 Icons



Download the New version here - [link]

New Pack available - MetroDroid

Now there is 7 main sections, with total 209 icons*3 colours - white, blue and black (overall 627 icons). The files are 256 x 256px ico files (from 16 to 256px) and 256 x 256px png files.


[Version 1.0] Windows Phone 7 Icons - CLEAN, LIGHT, OPEN.

The ZIP file include:

- 84 png files, 128 x 128 px
- 84 ico files, 128 x 128 px

History of changes:

[tmp] - MetroIcons template - BR 08052011
[2.40] - MetroDroid - BR 09032011
[2.30] - MediaStars - BR 20112010
[2.20] - MetroStation - MU 18112010
[2.19] - MetroStation - MU 22102010
[2.10] - MetroStation - MU 20102010
[2.00] - MetroStation - BR 19102010
[1.00] - Windows Phone 7 Icons - BR 01062010

Used Programs:

    My work must not to be edited, distributed, sold or uploaded anywhere without my writen expressed permission. If you have any doubts or would like to use it or have a special license for a commercial work, please note me, or leave a comment. Thanks.
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DocBerlin77's avatar

verry nice work thx :ahoy: