Metro icons templateyankoa on DeviantArt

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Metro icons template



After numerous requests I decided to publish the orignal template for MetroStation and MetroDroid icons. They are placed as Vector Smart Object in one psd file. The main source is just basic circle shape, made in Illustrator. If you want to edit the shape, just click double on the thumbnail.

The icons:

History of changes:

[tmp] - MetroIcons template - BR 08052011
[2.40] - MetroDroid - BR 09032011
[2.30] - MediaStars - BR 20112010
[2.20] - MetroStation - MU 18112010
[2.19] - MetroStation - MU 22102010
[2.10] - MetroStation - MU 20102010
[2.00] - MetroStation - BR 19102010
[1.00] - Windows Phone 7 Icons - BR 01062010
Used Programs:

If you truly feel I am deserving, your donations are appreciated. THANK YOU to those who have already done so.

    This psd file is only for personal edit and use. My work must not to be distributed, sold or uploaded anywhere without my writen expressed permission. If you have any doubts or would like to use it or have a special license for a commercial work, please note me, or leave a comment. Thanks.
Image size
256x256px 1.85 MB
© 2011 - 2025 yankoa
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great icons man