yangroars on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yangroars/art/Pouflon-Juniper-741540172yangroars

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Pouflon: Juniper



I DID IT!!!!! I FINALLY FINISHED HIS REG SHEET!!! drawing sure is hard ;__;
feel free to use juniper in your prompts, quests, etc! no need to ask beforehand n__n

juniper's a young energetic little pouf who wants to do his best to help his community. he's a bit gullible and very easily pranked unfortunately but he retaliates with his own enthusiastic pranks! juniper comes from a long family of magic users and he's very eager to learn magic himself

juniper grew up and has lived his whole life in goldfair with his loving parents. he helps tend to the flower fields and do magic (aka watch his parents do magic and try to learn via watching). he likes adventuring and will often explore the town on his own when he has the chance. he's a very energetic pouflon and as such he enjoys physical activities such as flying, swimming, and running around. his ultimate goal is to go to riddlelock and learn magic properly!

none u___u

none yet ToT (please contact me if ur pouf would like to be friends w juniper!!!)

Image size
1040x700px 223.59 KB
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