April Coloring Contest: Kimono Chibi

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YamPuff-FanClub's avatar
It's that time again! Coloring contest time!

:bulletpink: THE LINEART:

Magnificent Kimono Chibi Lineart: CONTEST! by YamPuff

Lineart looking a bit crazy? I colored in the kimono and shawl to help distinguish the mess: Kimono Chibi Color Guide by YamPuff
Note: Do not worry if your coloring does not match this guide, it is perfectly ok to interpret the lineart as you see fit!

:bulletpink: THE OBJECTIVE:

This time around you will be coloring my Kimono chibi. :la: Like past contests where I added a twist to make it a more interesting contest, this contest is not just about coloring. I want you to design her an amazing kimono pattern. Kimonos are known for sporting elaborate, beautiful, colorful, even intricate patterns of flowers, birds, fish, geometric patterns and even sweets! So don't just color her kimono with one color, I want to see a fully realized design along the sleeves, obi, etc. It doesn't have to be crazy detailed, authentic or insane, but bear in mind that I will be adding a lot of points for creative, beautiful and interesting kimono designs that work well with your color scheme and interpretation of the lineart.

Need some inspiration? Google it! www.google.com.eg/search?hl=en…

:bulletpink: THE RULES:

1. Download the lineart above, color it any way you like! You may submit ONE entry.

2. Submissions should be sent to the Contest folder of the YamPuff-FanClub.
Located here:  yampuff-fanclub.deviantart.com…

As always, you do not have to be a member of this Club to join in the contest, although we would love for you to join. If you don't want to be a member, just send a note to :iconyampuff: or :iconfujisuzu: with your submission and we will add it to the contest folder.

3. Traditional as well as digital art is welcomed, however bear in mind that if your traditional art is sloppily scanned or shot with an cell phone camera, it is nearly impossible to judge fairly. I have had several instances where a seemingly wonderful traditional artwork was impossible to judge because it was blurry or dark or pixellated. If I can't see your work clearly I can not judge it, it is as simple as that.

4. Continuing on the above note, please let your finished image be at least 600 pixels wide (preferably bigger) so that we can clearly see all the details!

5. Contest starts from now and ends April 30th


:bulletpurple: FIRST PLACE:

1 commission from :iconyampuff:
100 DA Points

:bulletpurple: SECOND PLACE:
80 DA Points


:bulletpink: As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments!~
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