Seasoned Guest Designer

8 min read

Deviation Actions

Yamio's avatar
For many years, this has been requested by our community...
More Annies outside of recurring events!

So we have decided to put up this Seasoned Guest Designer journal!

This journal only applies to the species Annies.
GDs for other species may be added here or in a new informational journal in the future.

What are Seasoned Annies?

Seasoned Annies are individual Annies that will be made in between events, without a pre-decided theme applied to them.

✿ They are commonly known as "Off-Event Adopts" among the community.

✿ To not confuse "off-event" with "off-brands", we decided to name them Seasoned Annies, and the guest designers that create them are called Seasoned GDs, S.GDs for short.


✿ Rules

♥ By being a S.GD, you automatically agree to the Annie TOS.
♥ You must be a guest designer capable of doing solo designs, and do not require a collab partner.
♥ Although being capable of solo designs is a requirement for doing Seasoned Annies, being able to does not automatically qualify you.
♥ You are required to have participated in, and completed, at least one event in the past to qualify for Seasoned Annies.
♥ Do not ask to become a Seasoned GD. Yamio will invite those who qualify on her own accord.
♥ If you aren’t a Guest Designer yet, click here to apply.

✿ Designs

♥ Seasoned Annies will not follow a specific theme.
♥ S.Annies may be either set price or auction. The minimum set price is equivalent to the SB.*
♥ S.Annies can be done individually or in batches, however, individual releases are highly preferred.
♥ Only common rarity Annies will be allowed for Seasoned Annies for the time being.
♥ Seasoned Annies will be revisioned the same as main event Annies, with the same quality standards and control.

✿ General Info

♥ Designers are allowed to stream S.Annies while working on them, but sending WIPs in public chats is not allowed.
♥ S.Annies will not be posted immediately after completion, but rather in between main release events.
♥ Guest designer fees are still applicable to these Annies, and will remain at 15%.

✿ Communication

♥ All S.Annies will be posted and sold through Yamio's account.
♥ You may do as many designs as you’d like, but they will not be posted all at once.
♥ You are allowed to post them on your own account or social medias after Yamio has posted it.
♥ Communication will be held in the Anniverse Discord. WIPS and finished art will be posted within the designated channels for S.Annies.

Seasoned Guest Designers

* Here are our amazing Seasoned Guest Designers! *


Current Seasoned Annie Prices

Common          SB $180    |   AB $400
Uncommon     SB $220    |   AB $520
Super Rare      SB $350    |   AB $750
Mythical           SB $450    |   AB $950

Guidelines for Guest Designing, Annie fashion, creation and bidding shown to you previously through other events still applies here.
If something is unclear, feel free to ask below!

Coded by somnolent-a and aeriphie
© 2019 - 2024 Yamio
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SirEdigarious's avatar

Will you open up guest designer again in the future?