Sunset FireflyYamio on DeviantArt

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Yamio's avatar

Sunset Firefly



I have so much I can say about this piece yet I cannot get through any words.
When a child knows she is going to die, how shall they react. When the family sits and cries in despair and child have to comfort them, the child suddenly has to grow up.
The time to be a child is over, you are on your death bed. And I always thought that was horrible. So I´m really happy to contribute to a project where the money goes to the foundation of Red Kite. An organization that fulfills children´s needs of support until the end. Let them be happy, to the end. Smile for them. There is nothing more painful than seeing everyone around you fall apart. Stand strong, make them smile. Don´t say good bye yet.

This was my contribution for the Artbook :iconethereal-artbook: for about a year ago.
Thank you so much for including me in this project :iconsweethugplz:
To Purchase the book, please visit here…
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1807x2764px 3.96 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Yamio
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PoisonousMilk's avatar
:iconasdfghplz: So pretty! Asdfgh-- So amazing!