Starannie | Day 2|2Yamio on DeviantArt

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Starannie | Day 2|2



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Day 2|2

Blessing Name: Star-Throated Antwren [Rhopias Gularis]
How Many Blessings: 1
Rarity: Common
Eyes: Common Round

Description of Blessings and Annie:

A small avian belonging in the antbird family, Thamnophilidae.
These birds have a fondness for eating different kinds of insects,
and are often found in habitats that offers forests that are either
subtropical or tropical moist lowlands.

Star-Throated Antwrens are short tailed and has cinnamon
and grey colored feathers, with flakes of gold and yellow
along their wing coverts.Their most prominent trait is 
their stippled throats with white and black, in which
they got their name from. Typically small, ranging
from 3-4 inches and their song has 6-7 repetitions
composed of "tzeet-tzeet-tzeet".

Optional Personality:

A small bird with a big dream.
Starry eyes on the night sky ever since he was small, he longed
to explore the world outside of Aster, pouring most of his time
hoarding books of Astrology and anything related to stars. It's
not unknown he has a certain fixation on them, and loves to
ramble about random facts and mysteries, inserting them in
conversations at every chance he got. Despite his tendency
to get absorbed in his books, he's quite active outside of it
and is often seen running and flying around from place to
place, small pieces of stardust following him around as if
attracted to the small man who treats them so close to
his heart. He hopes to build his own fantasy planetarium
one day and share his knowledge to anyone who's willing to listen.

SB: 180$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 400$
Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Image size
822x972px 1000.93 KB
© 2020 - 2025 Yamio
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aeriphie's avatar

i usually don't go for dark palettes but this brown palette is executed so amazingly!!

the design is very detailed and intricate but not too cluttered at the same time ♡

the little side eye and smile is OOMF my heart ♡