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Shroomannie 2019 | Day 10|1


Badge Awards


Shroomannie by AnniverseStash
light cherry blossom To take part of our lovely community, please join our
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By purchasing an Annie you agree to the ToS.

Read more about the event here! ♥

Day 10 | 1
Flammulina Velutipes by AnniverseStash Ileodictyon Cibarium by AnniverseStash Honey Bee by AnniverseStash
Blessing names:  Flammulina Velutipes | Ileodictyon Cibarium | Honey Bee
How many Blessings: 3
Rarity: Super Rare
Eyes: Honey drop glowing pupils
Description of blessings and Annie: 

Flammulina Velutipes is a delicious edible mushroom that can often be found when there is nothing else available. 
In the cold months of the year bring with freezing temperatures and fewer daylight hours,
so one would barely expect to find edible mushrooms growing wild. However,
Flammulina velutipes is a great exception as it is commonly found throughout October until May. 
And so it clearly earns its common name ‘Winter mushroom’ as it is often seen fruiting throughout light snowfall,
 and is even known to continue growth after it has thawed from freezing.

Ileodictyon Cibarium is a saprobic species of fungus in the family Phallaceae. 
This fungus grows alone or clustered together all year round near woody debris,
 in lawns, gardens and cultivated soil in tropical and subtropical areas. 
It is commonly known as the basket fungus or the white basket fungus, 
alluding to the fruiting bodies that are shaped somewhat like a round or oval cage-like structure
  (5-25 cm across) with interlaced or latticed branches forming 10-30 polygons.

Honey Bee is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade.
 They are found on every continent on earth, except for Antarctica.
Bees live on nectar and pollen.  Honeybees are social insects that live in colonies.
 The hive population consists of a single queen, a few hundred drones, and thousands of worker bees.

Optional Personality: 
This Annie is a hard-working and honest girl. She is calm and patient, loyal to her beliefs. 
She is normally silent and distant, but come close, you will feel her irresistible warmth and sweetness.
For you, no matter what happens, she will always protect you with all her strength.

SB: 200$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 600$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Shroomannie Calendar by AnniverseStash
Image size
2000x2275px 5.42 MB
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fairibb's avatar
oh my gosh!!!!! she's absolutely stunning!!!!
her bee coloration is so warm and bright and vibrant????
her beautiful cape?????
the little honey surrounding her???
IT'S ALL SO GOOD!! <333333