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Seasoned Annie 2020| II


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Seasoned Annie II

Untitled by skfuu
Blessing names:  Oriental Roller Pigeon
How many Blessings: 1
Rarity: Common
Eyes:  Common round pupil
Description of blessings and Annie: 

The Oriental Roller pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from United Kingdom. 
It is highly common in it’s native area and actually was developed over many years of selective breeding. 
The Oriental Roller pigeon is a very strong breed of domestic pigeon. It is excellent flyer,
and they are raised primarily for flying purpose. They can fly as individuals or as part of a team. 
Although these birds can sometimes perform in a nervous, darting manner in flight, but they are not nervous birds.
Most people agree that it is a confident, and sometimes even a bold or somewhat aggressive pigeon.
And it may sometimes hold itself aloof from other pigeon breeds. But in most cases, these birds are not afraid of people, 
and they can easily be trained to fly to their owner for treats or just for attention.

Optional Personality: 

Sending the love through the sky, that is his job! Working on the Pigeon Mail Express, 
The boy have special duty to send the love letter to someone deary.
No mater how far the destination, he can reach it with his wings.
He will gladly help the people to keep connect with their precious one.
Knocking your window in and link every relationship by the piece of letter,
filled with the word of love. But be careful for you boys who use his service,
he might "accidentally" stole your girl heart because his kindness and gentle personality will melt every heart pink heart bullet 

Annie extra- I send my love throught the sky by skfuu

SB: 180$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 400$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Image size
1527x1100px 1.72 MB
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