Rainbow Annie 2019 | Day 5|1Yamio on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yamio/art/Rainbow-Annie-2019-Day-5-1-802912178Yamio

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Rainbow Annie 2019 | Day 5|1



Rainbowannie Banner by AnniverseStash
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Day 5|1

Mountain Bluebird by AnniverseStash
Blessing names: Mountain Bluebird
How many Blessings: 1
Rarity: Common
Eyes: Common round
Description of blessings and Annie: 

Mountain Bluebirds are small thrushes with round heads and straight, thin bills. 
Adult males are electric turquoise blue with limited white belly, 
while females are grey with blue wings and tail, white eye-ring (lacking in the male)
Some females have a light reddish-brown colour on their breasts and throats.
Juveniles look like females with slightly duller and darker upper parts, 
and a scaly effect on their throat and breast.

The Mountain Bluebird is agile in flight when hunting or migrating.
They forage in open habitats with few trees, often hovering in the air above the ground,
in hawk-like manner while searching for preys. They travel in small flocks,
sometimes with sparrows and western bluebirds, and forage for insects and berries. 

The Mountain Bluebird is migratory in the northern parts of the range,
They travel in flocks of up to 30 birds.
They can be seen in loose flocks with other passerine species. 

The Mountain Bluebird breeds in high mountain meadows with scattered trees,
bushes and short grass to escape the winters at lower elevations in plains and grasslands.
The males usually arrive at the breeding site first to select a nesting site in a tree cavity,
or in a rocky crevice. When the females arrive, the males fly in and out of their sites and call out,
trying to attract the interest of a female. The female lays four to seven eggs at a rate of one egg per day,
the chicks hatch after about 13 days. The chicks are fledged at 22-23 days,
but may stay with their parents for another two months. 
Sometimes a pair will have a second brood during the breeding season.

  Day 5/1 by AnniverseStash

Optional Personality: 

This Annie is usually accompanied by her blessing-
 Mountain Bluebird companions as they forage together for food. 
Her bright blue colours contrasts with the snowy environment, 
but she may not always be easily spotted being high up in the air majority of the time.
Despite the cold, she is a little ball of energy; if you turn around for a second she would be gone in a flash of blue!

SB: 140$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 300$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Image size
1500x1700px 1.81 MB
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121GWJolt's avatar

The feather in her hair, the pose, all of it just serves to make her cuter and it's just such a precious thing. I love her so much.