Palmannie 2019 | Day 5|2Yamio on DeviantArt

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Palmannie 2019 | Day 5|2



Palmannie Banner by AnniverseStash
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Day 5|2

Dragon Fruit by AnniverseStash Natal Lily by AnniverseStash Common Olive Wing Butterfly by AnniverseStash
Blessing names:   Dragon Fruit | Natal lily | Common Olive Wing Butterfly
How many Blessings: 3
Rarity: Super rare
Eyes: Super rare glowing Lily shaped pupils
Description of blessings and Annie: 

Dragon Fruit seems like a strange fruit at first due to its scale-like leaves on the outside,
 and an abundance of black crunchy seeds in the inside.
It is a fruit cultivated in in tropical and subtropical regions.

 Natal Lily is a flowering plant that thrives in damp woodland places, shady areas or warm places.
They have a bell-shaped yellow, orange to red flowers with green strap-like leaves.
Despite thriving in warm places, it requires a short early winter time to grow properly.

The Olive Wing Butterfly, also called the Nessaea aglaura,
is mainly found in southern tropical areas especially tropical forests.
 The length of their wings can be up to 1.3 inches (34mm),
a hefty length for a butterfly!
 They are known to be bright green in color on their under-wings,
but black with a small blotch of blue pigment on their outer-wings.
They also have water-resistant wings that help them cope with their tropical humid and rainy environment.

10 by AnniverseStash
Optional Personality: 

She is an Annie who likes taking care of others, similar to a big sister. 
She is admired for her beauty, grace and kindness. 
Others consider her as a special being that is unreachable,
similar to how a Dragon Fruit is strange/special on the outside,
that sometimes people won't dare to touch due to its scale-like leaves.

Like a Natal Lily that grows in a cluster and prefers a warm environment, 
she is kind towards the people she care for sometimes to the point of being overbearing. 
However, she's very stand-offish to others as if she knows she is better than them,
similar to the early winter time required for a Natal Lily to grow.
Rosuuri extra by Yamio 

SB: 200$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 600$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Image size
1800x1915px 2.97 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Yamio
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