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Hanannie 2020 | Day 4|1

Object  bunny


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Day 4|1
Albino European rabbit by AnniverseStash Fragaria nubicola by AnniverseStash

Blessing Name: Albino European Rabbit | Fragaria Nubicola
How Many Blessings: 2
Rarity: Uncommon
Eyes: Heart shapes pupils

Description of Blessings and Annie: 

Oryctolagus cuniculus aka the European rabbit is an invasive
rabbit species to all continents. It's originally native to Europe
and Africa. The rabbit spends most of its time digging burrows,
eating and sleeping. European rabbit is small and and generally
shy, only staying above ground during sunset and night.

Fragaria nubicola aka Himalayan strawberry is a species of 
wild strawberry. It's native to the Himalayas, and the fruit is 
bears is too foul to be have commercial value. The flower of 
fragaria nubicola can be anything from white to light pink.

Day 4|1 by AnniverseStash

Optional Personality:

Even if this friendly Annie looks small at first glance, there is a lot
in her. Because of her never-ending energy, she is always on the
move.  She takes her appearance very seriously and loves all the
beautiful fluffy things that surround her. She loves to play with 
water. Only this can give her the energy of flow she needs.
Sometimes, however, little things can infuriate her...
only a good carrot can help.

SB: 220$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 520$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Hanannie Calendar by AnniverseStash

Image size
2391x3375px 5.19 MB
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NormaLeeInsane's avatar

Such a fancy design. :aww: