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Hanannie 2019 | Day 8|1


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Hanannie 2019 by AnniverseStash
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Day 8|1

Polar Bear by AnniverseStash White Helleborus Niger Flower by AnniverseStash
Blessing names: Polar Bear | White Helleborus Niger
How many Blessings: 2
Rarity: Uncommon
Eyes: common pupils
Description of blessings and Annie: 

Polar bears, native to the arctic circle are actually known as marine mammals,
 because they tend to spend many months of the year at sea. The only pother bear similar in size to the polar bear is the kodiak bear,
 although polar bears are classified as the largest bear species. Polar bears' fur is actually transparent,
 even though it takes on an off- white appearance, and the fur itself is hollow, in order to retain heat!

Helleborus niger is often called the christmas rose, or the black hellebore, and actually belongs to the buttercup family!
 Although the flower is not black in color, its' name comes from the color of its' roots!
 This flower is typically found in mountainous areas in Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy!
 This flower flourishes in colder temperatures, and flowers in the depths of winter,
 which in turn gives it its' second title, the christmas rose.

Optional Personality: 
This shy shy girl gently grabs her dress while looking down,
avoiding your gaze at any cost.
Growing up sheltered and alone, 
she has hard time to adapt to strangers.
Sometimes she sit alone in the night,
Hugging her Polar cub, hoping it will never leave her.

15 by AnniverseStash

SB: 180$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 450$

Auction ends after 24H after last bid.
Image size
2044x2772px 4.42 MB
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