Constellannie 2020 | 8|2Yamio on DeviantArt

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Constellannie 2020 | 8|2



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:iconrainfluffy: :iconnoodle39:
Day 8|2

Blessing Name: Argyranthemum Foeniculaceum
How Many Blessings: 1
Rarity: Common
Eyes: Common Round

Description of Blessings and Annie:

Daisies symbolize innocence and purity. This stems from an old Celtic legend.
According to the legend, whenever an infant died, God sprinkled daisies over
the earth to cheer the parents up. In Norse mythology, the daisy is Freya’s
sacred flower. Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, and as such
the daisy came by symbolize childbirth, motherhood, and new beginnings.
Daisies are sometimes given to congratulate new mothers. They also mean
chastity and transformation because of the Roman myth of Vertumnus and
Belides. Vertumnus, God of seasons and gardens, became enamored with
Belides, a nymph. He continuously pursued her, and in order to escape his 
affections she turned herself into a daisy. Daisy’s scientific name Bellis, 
stems from this story.

Optional Personality:

A soft-hearted girl who lives in the forest cabin surrounded by daisies. She loves
the flora and fauna that surrounds her everyday. Birds sing for her every morning 
as she collects daisies outside. Once in a while a traveler might pass by, but beware,
you might fall in love with her loveliness.

SB: 180$
Min Increase: 5$
AB: 400$
Auction ends after 24H after last bid.

Image size
1433x1576px 2.6 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Yamio
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LadyMegami's avatar

She's so cutesy, homely and lovable, I just wanna hug her and run through a field of flowers with her. Her outfit is adorable too. Huh, never knew about this legend of daisies before, kind of sad about it too.