Uncomfortable position (Color sketch)Yakovlev-vad on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yakovlev-vad/art/Uncomfortable-position-Color-sketch-653305512Yakovlev-vad

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Uncomfortable position (Color sketch)



I wonder what fool will check such well-known fact?
- Only the most curious X)

It is  likely that most of you at some point had some odd or silly ideas.
However, in most cases curiosity can place you in some rather uncomfortable situations.
So what things are to be avoided if you're one of those who got into such a curious situation?
The answer is simple: If no one saw, it didn't happen)
Even better: There must be no witnesses....

Just one more quick color sketch just for speed practise)
Merry Christmas to Everyone ^w^

P.s. If you likes my works, please, look through my Patreon 
Any bit allows me to spend less time for job and more for drawing)
And thanks to all who's already supporting me at my Patreon, I really appreciate your support a lot))
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1610x2125px 2.87 MB
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