Deviation Actions
*Sneaks up to Luna*
*Stuffs a snake in Luna's face*
*Shoots up into the air*
- UNFAIR! The bug was smaller!
Celestia: *Smirking*
- What? You said the bug you found was the biggest one you've ever seen and this snake is far from the biggest.
Speaking of which...
There is another one lying somewhere, but it's too big even for me to lift( Hold on a second, I'll try to bait it here, don't go anywhere =3
*Gently places the snake onto the grass and whispers*
- Look after Luna, I'll be back soon)
- Tia! Get back here, don't leave me alone!!! >_<
- Oh, you're not alone, you have two new friends here with you! >w<
- Two? O_o - What do you mean... two?..
*Something drops onto Luna's head, turning around she sees another snake hanging from another branch a bit higher above. It looks like it's about to drop down.*
P.s. And yep, Little continuation for my previous picture with Celli and Luna))
Childhood memories >w<
es muy gracioso🤣