Welcome to Chasing Tales, a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon comic series! The series follows several teams as they apprentice at local guilds, and face whatever is thrown their way. The story starts at Arc 1, when two teams arrive in Aster Village. Their saga continues in Arc 2. Arc 0 takes place in the same universe, but follows a different team. It's not necessary to read this Arc to understand Arcs 1 and 2, but it provides some background info. These comics are not yet finished. The Special takes place in a different universe, and follows a different team. Arc 0 || Winds of Trade Based on PMD-explorers (unfinished) Daniel and Vincent are adventurous young lads apprenticing at the merchants guild in Tao Village. But will their team and guild survive chaotic leadership and a berserk legendary dragon? > Mission 1 > Event 1 > Mission 2 > Event 2 > Mission 3 > Event 3 > Mission 4 (unfinished) > Mission 5 (unfinished) Arc 1 || Down the Aster Path Based on :devpmdabsolution: Orus, Alsa, Koppu and Dalte arrive in Aster Village to apprentice at the local guilds. Can they handle boat races, obstacle courses of doom and a strange disease called absolution? > Tale 1: Papers, please! > Tale 2: A fishy objective > Tale 3: Trials and treasures > Tale 4: Hallows Eve in Aster > Tale 5: It's Valen's time! > Tale 6: The storm > Tale 7: Fool the fools > Tale 8: The puppet in the closet > Tale 9: An end to begin again Arc 2 || Blessing or Curse Based on @TalesOfTabira (ongoing) Moving to Tabira poses new challenges for Orus, Alsa, Koppu and Dalte. Will they become scholars, keepers, trackers or artisans? And what is this witchcraft that threatens nearby towns? > Tale 10: A new leaf > Tale 11: Pumkin panic! > Tale 12: The next level > Tale 13: Stolen thunder > Tale 14: Home movement > Tale 15: In memoriam > Tale 16: Yielding a ghost > Tale 17: Times past > Tale 18: In the dark > Tale 19: A candle in the night Arc 3 || Rival-Gates Based on @Rival-Gates (ongoing) In a world far away from the one in the other arcs, Yuna and Crag head out to Rift City. But what are they up to, and how will they handle crises and rivaling guilds? > Act 1: Breaking ground > Act 2: Against the current