Yaguete on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yaguete/art/Ruthless-Colossus-118342791Yaguete

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Daily Deviation

April 19, 2009
Ruthless Colossus by ~Yaguete. From the suggester: "It's a lovely tribute to the video game 'Shadow of the Colossus" which is a work of art itself. The picture is simple in appearance, all drawn with rough strokes, only playing with silouettes and shadows, but it's impressive how well executed it is and how well the sense of depth and distance is given. And also there's that feeling, you can almost hear the water around you, the bird's cry and the wind blowing. You are all alone, and there, in the distance, your fate rises in the form of a colossus."
Featured by aunjuli
Suggested by Noiry
Yaguete's avatar

Ruthless Colossus



Wadja against the colossus.

(If you don´t play the game or listen the OST you´ll die in 7 days...........or maybe not)

DOWNLOAD for bigsize!!
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1654x2598px 1.09 MB
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