YagaK on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yagak/art/Black-coachman-46362970YagaK

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Black coachman



Travelling through the endless Woods of Silence, Black Coachman seems to never stop his journey. Whether he rushes or not, his horse is always on the move. Where the coachman goes, nobody knows. What's his name, nobody knows. No one has ever seen his face, everybody calls him the Black Coachman.
Whenever he appears in the woods, leaves start to fall from the leafless trees. Why that takes place? Maybe the trees used to be men? Do they greet him?
Let somebody find the answer, or maybe let us leave the case as it is, so there will be another mystery alive among us...
SXC & my own stock.

Copyright © Yaga K. All rights reserved. My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
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600x600px 405.03 KB
© 2007 - 2024 YagaK
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EmmetEarwax's avatar
Sounds like somebody in the "Sleepy Hollow" TV series on Fox. The season climax was one weird episode !