YagaK on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yagak/art/Before-she-enters-the-woods-41239321YagaK

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Before she enters the woods



Ginea was the youngest of Dum's four daughters. They all lived in the Leun Village, near Dunor Woods. Her family was poor, but her parents always did everything they could to make their daughters lives happy. One day Ginea's oldest sister Galla went to work, as usual. She worked for the village tailor as a helper. She came back from work very tired, weak and wavery and went straight to sleep. The next morning she couldn't get out of bed. She felt very sick. As days went by her condition got worse. Her sisters and parents tried everything - herbs, local remedies - nothing helped. So they called the village healer. He said that there is a cure for this disease, but it involves a dangerous trip through the Dunor Woods. They all got very anxious, for nobody ever entered those woods before. Then Ginea offered herself and said she would take the risk. Her parents didn't want her to go, but she insisted. And so when the night came, she took everything she needed and commenced her expedition for the cure...
Lady is from beautiful :iconelandria: stock.
Everything else is my own stock.

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Interesting story to this picture ;)