Xyrm-Expedition's avatar


Years Ago
35 Members34 Watchers

Starter Slot Raffle #1 by XE-Dean-Timber, journal

Halloween Expedition 2019 by gen-os, journal

CS Egg Event [XE] by gen-os, journal

Xythen Event [XE] by gen-os, journal

New ARPG Group Raffle!!! [Closed] by gen-os, journal

Comments 39

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hey there! The links to "Xyrm species info" and "Xyrm types" are broken here on your front page
Hi, I have small questions about the specie X3

Since Xyrms are supposed to be a specie that comes from another planet, it's possible for us to "use" them in another planet that's not Earth? Like in another arpgs that have their own world~

I've seen the "placement" journal, but I didn't understand very well the mechanic: what do you mean with the %? It's determined by the quantity of the entries, for example one entry is random chance, two are 5% etc or is determined by the quality of the pic/literature? Can a Xyrm enter in more placements? ^^

I have found the breeding journal with the xyrms and xoths couples, but unfortunately is not very clear what we have to do to ask for a breeding ^^" I could be interested in a xoth's breeding~
Thank you for your patience <3
Thank you for asking!

Xyrm are being transferred all around the Universe, so yes they can appear anywhere, not just on Earth, and even in other ARPGs.

Placements are determined on Percentages (EX they will have a 50% chance to not fail). So if you make a placement piece, the quality doesn't matter, the stats of the Xyrm are what matter ;3, Of course, you have to train them first and have a placement chosen for them. As the xyrm's SP rises, they can enter more placements as well. you can sign them up for multiple it is just only one can be active at a time!

For Breeding you will need 2 slots, one to a male and one to a female, both need to be trained and have a breeding certificate.
You will also need a Host egg(s), available in The Emperor's Shop. Then you are ready to breed.

If you are looking for Slots to Joker and Maiden, comment on this journal! Mascot Slots XE

The price for slots right now is a couple photo!, Having the 2 Xoths together in a cutesy pose (Headshot, Lined, colored minimum)
I love how you paired the pagedolls at the top! :D

Wishing the best for this species/group!
Thank you very much!
You're very welcome!
how many of each (legendary, rare, uncommon) can moderators have?