Xyrax on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/xyrax/art/Baltimore-VS-130483232Xyrax

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

July 23, 2009
Baltimore VS by ~Xyrax Time to give your XP a makeover with this quality VS that fediafedia thinks deserves a DD. I totally agree ;-)
Featured by mrrste
Suggested by fediaFedia
Xyrax's avatar

Baltimore VS



Presenting new Windows XP visual style : Baltimore

No shellstyle included people, and not n plans for now.

Mods for personal use.

Best look achieved if you have installed Calibri font and have a clear type font rendering ;]

This VS requires patched uxtheme.dll > www.google.com if you want help.

:+fav: if you like/download/want to give free fav ;]

Mod only for personal use, no redistributing or posting it (only link to this page).


28.07.2009 :

Added font choices. Look in "Font size" dropdown menu. Choices are : Calibri, Tahoma and Segoe UI.

23.07.2009 :

A DD :D, first in my time here on DA, I must give my appreciation to :iconfediafedia: for suggesting it, and to :iconmrrste: for featuring it, so THANKS a lot. I must give my thanks also to :icongelosea: for helping me, giving advices, and for sacrificing all the time to talk with me, so for everybody THANKS again :handshake:


Purple tabs - fix: Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> uncheck Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages (Thanks to "tsupersonic" from Neowin)

Anyone who knows author of wall on this preview give me a note, it would be appreciated.
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