XxXSilver-WolfXxX on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

XxXSilver-WolfXxX's avatar

Precut Wolf1



This image is a precut stock, use as you wish however please follow the rules below.

~Credit me in your work.
-Put my deviant art name.
-If possible include a link.
-Do not steal my work.
-Credit me as a precutter

~Put a link in comments to your work
-So I may check you've followed the rules.
-To favourite your image
-To comment on your image.

~Do not use to make stock images.
-I do not like it when people use my images to provide other stock images.
-Do not download my image, then upload it as a stock image or any other image alike (This is stealing)

Do not steal my work and claim it as your own.

Other than that, have fun with my stock, I will be coming out with more wolves and other animals soon.
Image size
500x500px 181.41 KB
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