XxxMiyuSnowAngelxxX's avatar


hello ~
189 Watchers267 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Jan 15, 2001
  • Indonesia
  • Deviant for 8 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (146)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
spongebob the movie, doraemon the movie and ect
Favourite TV Shows
catoons and more
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
all music i like :3
Favourite Games
all games ^^
Tools of the Trade
paint tool sai, photoshop, ms paint

Profile Comments 2.7K

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 Slender operator symbol -free to use- Pink Heart Icon Blue Heart Icon Green Heart Icon  Pink Heart Icon  Broken Heart  Pink Heart Icon Blue Heart Icon Green Heart Icon  Pink Heart Icon Slender operator symbol -free to use-
 [PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon[Bunny Emote] FancyBOTAMON_SINGHappy cats Happy cats Happy cats cat puff blink emoji :heart: rvmp 
Lovegoesboomplz :heart: rvmp cat puff blink emojiHappy cats Happy cats Happy catsBOTAMON_SING[Bunny Emote] Laughing[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces  GHOST HEART  f2u purple eye   Shadow Candy - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIF   Surprise Cake  Shadow Candy - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIF  f2u purple eye  GHOST HEART  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
 bunch of smiley faces Tini Preserved Heart   BROKEN  GHOST HEART Bluestar   [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] A [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] Y Jayfeather BROKEN  GHOST HEART   Tini Preserved Heart   bunch of smiley faces
 Bouncing Crow v2.2 | F2U | Icon Pagedoll thing 1  -F2U- Shadow Cat Avatar Skeleton Hand Left[Retro Glitch] B [Retro Glitch] I [Retro Glitch] R [Retro Glitch] T [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] D [Retro Glitch] A[Retro Glitch] YSkeleton Hand Right -F2U- Shadow Cat Avatar Bouncing Crow v2.2 | F2U | Icon Pagedoll thing 2
 [PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon[Bunny Emote] SurprisedBOTAMON_SINGHappy cats Happy cats Happy catscat puff blink emoji :heart: rvmp Uagus -sin :heart: rvmp cat puff blink emojiHappy cats Happy cats Happy catsBOTAMON_SING[Bunny Emote] Trippy [PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
 Slender operator symbol -free to use-  Pink Heart Icon Blue Heart Icon Green Heart Icon  Pink Heart Icon  Broken Heart  Pink Heart Icon Blue Heart Icon Green Heart Icon  Pink Heart Icon Slender operator symbol -free to use-
:heartbeat:Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 02:heartbeat:
      bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
bunch of smiley faces
      bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faceslittle demon left [f2u]
Bendy the Dancin' lil Devil IconMoving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon Broken Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 iconBendy the Dancin' lil Devil Iconlittle demon right [f2u]bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
     bunch of smiley faceslittle demon 2 left [f2u]Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon 
Virtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 iconlittle demon 2 right [f2u]bunch of smiley faces
Fireball PixelMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconVirtual Retro LED - BVirtual Retro LED - IVirtual Retro LED - RVirtual Retro LED - TVirtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - DVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconFireball Pixel
:heartbeat:Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03:heartbeat:
  Spin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it good
Sweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Orange and Pink
     bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces-FREE AVATAR: What? Oobunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
     bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesLazyIcon I wanna use - 28The beauty in his eyesrainbow make me happyThe beauty in his eyesLazyIcon I wanna use - 28bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
     bunch of smiley facesLazyIcon I wanna use - 8 FLOWEYAright_blink_left_50x50H (Alphabets)A (Alphabets)P (Alphabets)P (Alphabets)Y (Alphabets)Aright_blink_right_50x50LazyIcon I wanna use - 8 FLOWEYbunch of smiley faces
     Flowey Omega (avatar size) - UNDERTALE - Icon GIFB (Alphabets)I (Alphabets)R (Alphabets)T (Alphabets)H (Alphabets)D (Alphabets)A (Alphabets)Y (Alphabets)! Exclamation mark (Symbols)Flowey Omega (avatar size) - UNDERTALE - Icon GIF
Sweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Indigo and TealSweetskull: Orange and PinkSweetskull: Salmon and PurpleSweetskull: Magenta and BlueSweetskull: Purple and IndigoSweetskull: Purple and TealSweetskull GlowSweetskull: Indigo and Teal
  Spin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it goodSpin it good
                                                          Rainbow Letter: S (Static) Rainbow Letter: E (Static) Rainbow Letter: L (Static) Rainbow Letter E (Animated) Rainbow Letter: C (animated) Rainbow Letter: T (Static)    Rainbow Letter: A (Static)    Rainbow Letter: G (Static) Rainbow Letter: I (Static) Rainbow Letter: F (Static) Rainbow Letter: T (Static)
First Gift                                                   Second Gift                                                Third Gift
Fourth Gift                                                                                                                   Fifth Gift
Happy birthday! :D
Flora Plantgirl Emoticon035 hello
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