A Beginner's Guide to Airbrushing Body Paint by Darth-Sunshine, literature
A Beginner's Guide to Airbrushing Body Paint
A lot of people have asked me about body painting, so I thought I’d go ahead and post what I know and can tell people, and also for easy access in the future. I’d like to start off by saying I consider myself an amateur, and that I have no formal training, but I like to pretend that I know what I’m doing. This is going to be a basic (but lengthy) overview of airbrushing, what it is, and how to do it. It’s written with cosplayers in mind who are looking to do pretty simple paint jobs (like Twi’leks, Gems, Midna). I don't delve into any of the real intense stuff you see on popular body painting TV shows. DeviantArt only lets me do so much wi...