I am a Czech photographer who currently lives and studies in the Netherlands (Royal Academy of Art, The Hague). I shoot pictures for about eight years and my fields are both documentary and fiction photography. To make clear specification of my work is difficult as it highly depends upon how we understand reality and where is the border when we start to define artificial constructions. In my work, I depict personal topics in connection to themes of memory, subconsciousness, and decay. I intend to photograph in order to express feelings or questions that puzzle my mind with the hope that others will feel a certain relation to such expressions as well. In terms of my professional career, my work was published in numerous art magazines and newspapers for instance in Prague Post, Pilsner Journal, Vogue Italia, LINDA, Mezzanine Magazine etc. Several personal projects have been also exhibited in cities such as Prague (CZ), Pilsen (CZ), Novi Sad (SRB), Brussels (BE) and The Hague (NL).