Beware of xxmooniexoclove

4 min read

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XxTheAvengerXxX's avatar
Pim is no new user on DeviantART. She has been requesting graphics from artists on here for at least 10 years now according to other users. And has been requesting from large batches of people by sending out messages and spamming profile pages. I was among this recent batch of people she has requested from.

I'm gonna post my experience with her. While I didn't have a terrible encounter with her, it still wasn't pleasant, especially with what I know about her now.

Pim's first messages:
And comments on my page:

I'm not on all the time, so I didn't message her right away.

My response:
I told her to try ShadowPlay because they are the most active forum I know.

Pim's response:

The next day I got into contact with one of the request mods on ShadowPlay. She did some investigating and found out I was not the only one she has been harassing. When I found that out, I blocked her. I believe that is the best course of action right now.

And then I found this on her account a couple days ago. She is so upset with people blocking her and not helping her that she had to post links to a lot of accounts, including my own, telling us to "go to hell."

Link to the post never happy and screencap of post with the accounts she called out:

EDIT 2/2/2019: Well, she deleted that post. I still have the screencap though.

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I'm not upset about the encounter, I'm just upset she won't try to better herself. Pim is very capable of making these things herself. I know what it was like to not get any notifications on my work that I tried so hard on when I first started. But getting better does not happen over night. You can't expect to get a bunch of followers the instant you join deviantart. And I'll admit, I was discouraged at first, but I kept trying, and five years later I'm at the level I wanted to be because I practiced and I interacted with people.

If you're kind, you'll meet friends on this site and on graphics forums.

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Please beware and try not to engage. If you get a message from xxmooniexoclove, block her. That is the best thing you can do. Do NOT stoop to her level and say bad things back. Just ignore it.

© 2019 - 2025 XxTheAvengerXxX
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BlueShiranui's avatar
Ah yes... Good to know. 

I know Pim from outside of DA for about 6 years or so. She's sending Affiliaton requests (asking for being partner websites) to a lot of Graphic Pages. But except for spamming ShoutBoxes with "Wanna be my Affiliate?" or "How are you?" nothing bad happened so far (as far as I can tell). 

Earlier today, a friend showed me a Blog with warnings about her. I've spread the link on twitter and also warned a few DA friends in our chatroom. I never expected her to be like this. I'll be careful around her.