xxNostalgic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xxnostalgic/art/Felted-Totoro-312810984xxNostalgic

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Felted Totoro



I made a felted Totoro for my mom's birthday :3 (even though I said I was making one for my aunt... x3) It only took me about 2 days to make, since it's shape is similar to the Pikachu I made before. The hardest part was probably the gray wool, because I had to mix together different shades to get the right color >____< The photos I took of it aren't as colorful as the Pikachu ones I took, since pretty much all the flowers in my garden wilted TTuTT At least I had some grass & bushes in my yard to add some color ^^

Felted Pikachu by xxNostalgic Felted Bronzong by xxNostalgic

:damphyr: This is for sale in my Storenvy shop~! ♥ xxnostalgic.storenvy.com

EDIT: Thanks for helping this make it to the front page~ >___<
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1364x1019px 3.83 MB
© 2012 - 2024 xxNostalgic
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TrustMeMate's avatar

This one is cool and sweet :)