All I want for Christmas.xXJotunDevilXx on DeviantArt

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xXJotunDevilXx's avatar

All I want for Christmas.



My artsy side hit me last night while I was bored and I decided to try out my tablet I had sitting around for 2 years now and this is the result of it... This will NEVER happen again probably. I will probably never be able to make something this good again, like ever. XD

Anyways, I've been wanting to make a picture of these two for the freaking longest. OMG. And I've finally accomplished it! :D Wahoo!! And yes, in my mind these two are together. They just don't know it yet. :P

Moving on to credit! :D Because not everything is from me, lol.

Background: French Quarter Christmas 10
Bokeh effect:

And I got lazy on the tattoos (no way was I drawing all those) so I just copied those from the reference image. >.>
Image size
461x740px 976.56 KB
© 2014 - 2025 xXJotunDevilXx
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Durah's avatar
Awww thats cute!!!!