Count the stars with me.xxghost250xx on DeviantArt

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September 4, 2011
Count the stars with me. by =xxghost250xx

=SparklyDest said: "This is a beautiful piece of artwork. The detail on the sky leaves me speechless. This is how I want to end my summer, just chilling on a hill with an emote, staring the sky."

=KinnisonArc said: "'Count the stars with me' is really well done especially the detailed starry background as well as the ring frame. The lovely scenery makes you feel like want to be in it too! Is anybody up for some star counting now?"

=IceXDragon said: "'Count the stars with me' is an amazingly pixeled piece! The colors are wonderful and the gold border adds a very nice touch."
Featured by Krissi001
Suggested by bigfunkychiken
xxghost250xx's avatar

Count the stars with me.



I'm trying to make an emote everyday until i go back to school. 

I pixeled this gold ring agees ago but i couldn't decide what to do with it. I really love to pixel skies so here we go. The background is actually based off a painting i did a few months ago.


Art © =xxghost250xx
Image size
124x124px 116.9 KB
© 2011 - 2025 xxghost250xx
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samsamsierra's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

This is so beautiful! The gold border looks a bit weird to me, but the color is pretty. The starry background is well-made and look realistic. The emotes are cute, and they look like they are a couple. You made the grass look realistic! The details are so amazing. I hope you can improve the shape of the gold border. I want to count the stars, but I'm busy at school, so, I can't do it... <img src="…" width="17" height="16" alt=":nuu:" title="Nuu"/>
What I like the most is the starry background, it's totally amazing...
I wish you can make more emotes, Keep up the good work and have a good day!