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Avengers - Post War



Part of my Marvel Universe

10 Years ago, the Skrull and the Kree used Earth as a battleground for their war.  Thus SHIELD activated the Avengers Initiative, recruiting remarkable individuals to fight the enemies that SHIELD simply wasn't equipped for.  The program proved more successful than anyone could imagine.  Not only did the team defend the planet, they actually forced the invading armies to leave proving there was a third superpower in the Galaxy, Earth. 

With the war now moved on to some far off planet, the Earth was still littered with Kree and Skrull tech.  So in order to find and contain it SHIELD was given a blank check for the Avengers.  Agent Phil Couson was named liaison to the team and recruitment for new members began immediately.

Iron Man - With the help of Pym's shrinking tech, Tony was able to miniaturize the electronics needed for the Iron man suit.  Thus he was able to build a smaller, more compact model that still retained the same functions.

Giant Man - In return for his help, Tony helped Hank realize the need for a helmet that could open up.  Since he only needed to be fully contained within the suit when he changed size, helmet that opened allowed for more oxygen then the airtight suit.  He also came up with the idea to reverse the shrinking process, larger instead of smaller.

Wasp - Janet's helmet was upgraded as well.  But unlike Hank, Jan enjoyed being small.

Thor - Being surrounded by those he feels are worthy enough to wield Mjolnir yet can't. Donald Blake has begun to look into his own life to see why only he can lift it, and why he retains his powers when the hammer is away.

US Agent - John Walker's tenure as Captain America ended after the war.  Tired of living in the shadows of a legacy, he became the US Agent in order to forge his own legacy.

War Machine - When Tony Stark built the Mark II Iron Man, he sold a modified version of the Mark I armor to SHIELD.  When Air Force Lt. James Rhodes was recruited to pilot a suit, he had some modifications of his own.  Transforming it into the War Machine.

Goliath - One of Hank Pym's research partners, Bill Foster is the one that actually gave Pym the idea to reverse the shrinking process with what he called project Goliath.  Coulson recruited him at Pym's request and the codename stuck.

Captain Marvel - During the war it was revealed that a high ranking SHIELD agent was in fact a Kree defector named Mar-Vell.  Mar-Vell died heroically in battle, but the explosion that killed him also imbued Air Force pilot Carol Danvers with the energy of a binary star.  As a way to honor her friend, she has taken his name as her own moniker.

Hulk - Years ago Dr Bruce Banner was hired to replicate Erskine's formula.  It wasn't long before he realized the formula was never completed.  After the war Banner tried to complete the formula using Skrull DNA, their natural shapeshifting ability made it possible to fill in any gaps in the formula.  He also used large amounts of Gamma Radiation as a way to activate the formula after it was administered.  He wanted to become the next Captain America, instead he became a giant green rage monster that the Avengers have had to take down on more than 1 occasion.

Phil Coulson - Team Liaison, Coulson showed a knack for picking the right candidates for the Avengers as well as being able to get them to fall in line.

sorry for the large amount of info here.  Anyway, like I said on the original team roster, 10 years is a lot of time.  For the first batch of new recruits I wanted them all to be directly connected to either the original team, or fallout from the Kree/Skrull War.  I know there will be hate for what I did to Hulk's origin, but here me out.  I combined his Ultimate counterpart, with a real explanation as to why he is green.  I also wanted to show that technology is going to advance in my universe.  If you compare this to the last one, you will notice that the Iron Man suit is in fact much smaller and that the Pym helmet is more streamlined.  I currently have 6 different Iron Man armors and 4 Pym helmets, each one getting progressively more streamline.  Sure things look rough 10 years ago, but technology advances quickly.
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Gold-Reaper's avatar

I guess I've got a few notes.

Iron Man/War Machine: The armor design is too complex and similar to the previous suit to really feel like a ten-year upgrade when compared to the last one. Iron Man lost a couple of inches. There are easy ways to show a change in armor outside of that, such as cutting down on the shoulders, rounding out the helmet, and/or reducing the amount of metallic grey in the armor. That, or the last Iron Man armor could have just been more bulky and basic, like a mark I or III. That armor could be repurposed later on as the War Machine armor after a few modifications. (Also why doesn't War Machine have an arc reactor?)

Ant-Man/Giant Man/Wasp/Goliath: They don't have to all be here for one. I understand the want to just bring the reserves on to the main team but having two tall guys is redundant. There are ways to rectify this, like reducing Hank's role on the team so that he's more of a supporting type that supplies the gear or maybe he's taking a break to work on a secret pet project that turns out to be Ultron. Ultron would also be just an all-around better way to explain what Tony brings to the table in their partnership than "Hank needs a mouth because...oxygen circulation? The reason MCU Ant-Man's mask shuts the way it does is to act as a secure, pressurized suit that would be able to shift between sizes without any weird external complications. Kinda like an astronaut's suit, just a lot less bulky. It also means that both big and tiny Ant-Man can breathe easily at their respective heights. Larger lungs need more air and air gets pretty thin up there. It also makes sense for Wasp given her high-speed flight.

Thor: I have nothing new to say about Thor's setup. I guess I'm confused regarding his design. He's wearing jeans, leather boots, kneepads, a belt with a Nordic symbol, a super suit vest, a sleek helmet in the style of Ragnarok's gladiator look, wrappings around his wrists, and a smaller, ancient ruin-esque Mjolnir. It looks confused, like it's torn between being the result of a godlike transformation and what Blake just decided to wear that day. I think the idea of something like Mjolnir doing a partial change is just fine, but that needs to be incorporated into the design better. Like maybe the leather straps of the hammer work it's way up the arm to act like an electrical circuit and the circular plates could be more energy-based in kind. Light up the eyes, get some fun long god-like hair, and keep the wardrobe as something more in line with what people would wear. Also probably cut the helmet since it doesn't make any sense here and feels like a half-measure without the cape.

U.S. Agent: I assume this is post Cap's return? I'm not against the change, but the title of U.S. Agent is a reduction in status. If you're still keeping the Captain America corps part of S.H.I.E.L.D. (again, why?) then this would be a better use of the rank. No one just calls themselves U.S. Agent. It's just that bad of a name. Also, I think the timing is wrong. I don't think that Walker would be thrown out of the position of Captain America provided the Kree/Skrull War. I guess if Cap returned during the war and was the driving force in turning the tides then that's fine, but if that was all Walker then I don't think he'd give up the title, nor do I think anyone else would want him to.

Hulk: Hulk doesn't seem to be that angry, just peeved. Also, some added skrull-details, such as their ears or chin lines, would be a better indicator of the origins of his powers.

Captain Marvel: I guess another way around the Captain America/U.S. Agent debacle would be to make the one who ultimately turned the tide and became the modern Captain America Carol Danvers herself. Both stories seem to mirror each other as both Cap and Carol got their respective powers from a turncoat from the opposition, Cap with Erskine and Carol with Mar-Vell, and were seen as turning points in their respective wars. Cap as a symbol is diminished as Carol becomes the new modern version of what Cap was to the people, main difference here being that none of her background was a story conjured up by the allied powers and she never had that giant loss in time. I suppose the main drawback in this respect means that Cap's presence in modern day is understated as a result if he arrives post-war. I don't think that's a bad thing, it just means that he has less to live up to personally. Provided this happens during the war, it could give Cap the opportunity to be a mentor figure to Carol and provide that ceiling she'd break through exceeding expectations in her actions. Idk it needs to be workshopped a little bit more but I think Carol, given the context, should probably be a larger player on the Avengers.

Coulson and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Honestly I don't like the uniforms. That's my main gripe, really. Honestly the entire design would just be better if it were all, say, black or the traditional dark blue. Here it just looks like something a normal dude would wear. I'd say on a jog, but who jogs in jeans? It works more for desk-jockey types I suppose, but to my understanding Coulson is above that. Right now he just looks like a background character.