System File Replacerxuliikoo on DeviantArt

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System File Replacer



System File Replacer x86/x64

System file replacer is a free portable tool 628KB made by Damian666 that replaces any system file from Windows Xp, Vista or Windows 7. Its very easy to use just choose the Original File then the New File and press ok, reboot and the file will be replaced while rebooting, i have used it hundreds of times and it never had any errors or anything it just replaces the file like explorer.exe, imageres.dll any system file u like xD. I though of posting it here cuz its the best replacer tool i have found, enjoy!!!

Note: When u replace it the old file will be saved in the same place where u have changed it as a backup file
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MrDreamers's avatar
do you have to reboot after each file you replace?
what if you have several files to replace?