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Dirt and Dust brushes




Here are some brushes I made, and I decided to share them.

You are allowed to use this brushes for your artwork. Credit is not a must, but is welcome. Also, I would be happy to see you work you made using these brushes. If you like bruhses, :+fav: them.
However, you must NOT re-distribute them without giving me a credit. You are NOT allowed to sell those brushes.


:bulletblue:Windows XP
Unzip brush files to C:\Document and Settings\<username>\.gimp-<version>\brushes\
and restart GIMP or refresh brushes in 'brushes' tab.
If you want brushes to be available for all users, copy brushes to
GIMP installation directory - by default, that is:
C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes\

(Note: .gimp folder is hidden, for Program Files you need administrator rights)

:bulletgreen:Windows Vista/7
Unzip brush files to C:\Users\<username>\.gimp-<version>\brushes and restart GIMP or refresh brushes in 'brushes' tab.
If you want brushes to be available for all users, copy brushes to GIMP installation directory - by default, that is:
C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes\

(Note: .gimp folder is hidden, for Program Files you need administrator rights)

Unzip brush files to ~/.gimp-<version>/brushes/
If you want brushes to be available for all users, unzip them to /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/

(Note: .gimp folder is hidden (Press Ctrl-H if you don't see it). If you want to access /usr/ directory and all its sub-directories, you need to be root)

Brushes have 14-16 layers, original size (1.00) is 50x50 px.
Dirt (soft edge) brush can have a strong lag.
© 2011 - 2024 xTernal7
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Random-Derp's avatar
I will check them out and maybe use them one day, thanks for sharing =)