XLooo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xlooo/art/Colours-and-wood-207305434XLooo

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Colours and wood




Dark Wooden Dock by ~kano89
Rainbow Wood on Wallbase (original author?)
Gorgeous Artcore icons by Artcore
Passerby 1.5 BowTie theme by RyanChristensen
Flip Clock Mac Geektool by Rs-Designz
Typewriters by swang-90

How To

Let's do this downwards

1. Needed files

1.1. Nocturne
1.2. Wallpaper Rainbow Wood
1.3. Flip Clock Mac Geektool
1.4. Passerby 1.5 BowTie theme
1.5. Dark Wooden Dock
1.6. Gorgeous Artcore icons
1.7. Candybar or an other app which can replace your icons/dock

2. Menu bar
Simply install Nocturne and in preferences check Invert menu bar.

3. Date
Create a 240 × 38 black image with the app you want. Save it to a simple path.
Using Geektool, create a new image geeklet and fill the URL field with this path. Place wherever you want or as on the preview image
Then create a shell geeklet :
Commande : date +"%A %d %B"
Font : Copperplate, Bold, 22, white

4. Time
Open the folder you have downloaded from Flip Clock Mac.
All is well explained in the How to Use.

5. Wallpaper, BowTie theme, icons and dock
Easy with Candybar I recommend.
Image size
1440x900px 1.12 MB
© 2011 - 2024 XLooo
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Nocturne doesn't work well with Mac OS X Lion. When you use mission control the top part of the screen is inverted.