xloganx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xloganx/art/Table-Card-Xante-Cafe-34148774xloganx

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Table Card Xante Cafe



This is a mock-sample table card as used in restaurants, cafés, bars, etc.

This could be a display ad for a limited time special that would normally not be on the menu for a cafe style eatery, to be placed at the table -perhaps in the condiments rack- to advertise extra deals to the customers.

We use things like this to show the capabilities of our commercial laser printer. Part of my job is to sit around and make this stuff. Most of it is your average "print" work like you'd see at a local commercial print shop. Is it standard, typical stuff? Yup. Is it kind of plain and not very interesting? Sure, maybe mostly, though some of it is interesting. Is it highly uncreative and unoriginal? Well, perhaps a bit, but it takes time and effort to come up with things. We really do go through some development stages. For example, these items must meet certain criteria; They must be culturally tasteful, universally viable and non-offensive (we sell internationally, after-all), they should represent the company professionally, they should display our machines capabilities well (color, resolution, line-screen, useable stock media, etc.), and most importantly they need to be affordable for our customers to print.
We (myself especially) continue to improve, grow and develop new samples and are moving into some more creative and commercially viable product samples that are producible on our machines.
Edit: I would like to add some brief thigs about the design itself. I had a basic color palette and layout in mind before starting. I chose them to fit in with a variety of styles you could find in any of todays cafes, sandwich shops or restaurants. After deciding this, I found some images on Phots.com that fit the feel of the piece, with common colors that also matched close to my palatte. The canvas texture background was picked to both mimic a tablecloth, upholstry or such you may find in such places, as well as to suit the printing method of laser printing; it tends to have a distinct pattern that can be very noticeable on solid fields of color. So this was a good choice as it added multiple elements to the project while accomidating the print method. The colors were either enhanced to match the existing palette, or the pre-choice colors were altered to suit by pulling directly from the images. The layout was tweeked until satisfactory for the final output (It's since been adjusted more, so I may eventually post that version). I had hoped that this piece would leave the viewer (potential customer) craving the items or similar ones - and from the feedback I've recieved, I believe I have done that. :nod:
So that’s it in a some-what open ended nutshell.
Thanks for stopping in.
And I hope to get more traditional artistic stuff, and maybe an illustration if I can find the time and inspiration.
Image size
612x792px 531.39 KB
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