The arrival to Phantom ManorxKyrillx on DeviantArt

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The arrival to Phantom Manor



I started to work on a project with a french illustrator (Grinsekatze). It should become a horror webcomic, based on the disney attraction
phantom manor. He will be called "Nom Omnis Moriar" and Grinsekatze will take care of the story and drawing the characters and i will
take care of the backgrounds/ surroundings and the colloration. She is working on that since 10 years, perfecting the story, so you should
really take a look ;) And if you like ghost horror, its a must! :D

Here you see one of the main character, when she first arrived at the main place of the comic, Phantom Manor. I hope it makes you curious? ;)

visit the facebook page, where we will post the weblink later, when we will have the website with the comic.…
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