Nightmare Night Lyraxkappax on DeviantArt

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xkappax's avatar

Nightmare Night Lyra



The other day, I saw a my little pony image that was so adorable that I had to pay homage to it. I have been playing around with color theory a lot, so I decided that I was going to try to emulate their style with Lyra, who happens to be one of my favorite background ponies.

I want to give credit where credit was due, so you can see their original work that I referenced here:…

I really want to be clear that this was simply a drawing exercise. I was not in ANY WAY trying to take credit for this person's style.

So, awesome person in japan, thank you for making the original image and giving me the inspiration to make Lyra standing on top of a pumpkin. ^____^

For more of my original art, shirts, photographs and other fun stuff, please visit:

And lastly, if anyone would like to support my artistic endeavors, I've set up subscriptions here on Deviantart and I've also started a Ko-Fi, so please visit:

Thank you to anyone and everyone who supports my art and to anyone who has purchased a shirt, sticker or anything else. It means the world to me. :)
Image size
588x715px 339.28 KB
© 2013 - 2025 xkappax
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