f r o s t e d furxGAZEROCKER on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/xgazerocker/art/f-r-o-s-t-e-d-fur-149370924xGAZEROCKER

Deviation Actions

Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

January 27, 2011
"I have no bit of experience in the field of photography,but I can say that this picture is very well done!"Beautiful simplicity" is shown in this wonderful photograph;the way the colors are retouched are so detailed and the toning of colors gives that cold sensation which was definitely portrayed in the image."
f r o s t e d fur by ~xGAZEROCKER
Featured by DistortedSmile
Suggested by midorynn
xGAZEROCKER's avatar

f r o s t e d fur



You guys think I should submit this to #TheFashionFaction ? It was a fashion photoshoot but I think the focus is too much on the snow in this picture.
Editing by Devil of a Rotting Earth on GaiaOnline
Photo taken by :iconcontrapositively:
Model: Me!
Image size
534x800px 106.32 KB
anonymous's avatar
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art-mely's avatar
This is so beautiful !!!!! I really love it