ieFox9Xeviousss on DeviantArt

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Xeviousss's avatar




This is a soft theme based on the IE 9 interface. I was initially not sure about the "all in one" bar of IE 9, but I very like the concept of : "A browser should just be a frame to bring your websites forward".
I tried to apply this concept to Firefox.

This is my first theme, and there are some known bugs.
It's not compatible with the pre beta 7 of firefox.

Here is a part of my to-do list :
- work on the menu bar
- remove the status bar
- add compatibility with the latest build of minefield (progress bar and link in the urlbar)
- fix some bugs
- clean the code

Read the readme file include to match the preview.

Windows theme used : shine 2.0 [link]
wallpaper used : Breathe me [link]

Post suggests, bug report, etc.

Happy using ;)

Edit :
I'm sick and tired of waiting for the release of Firefox RC.
So I show you the last state of the theme (I've not worked on it since Mozilla removed the progress bars we can see on the picture...). I had bring the personnas support, in case of third party theme compatibility.

Lots of things changed since the last preview. The code has been fully cleaned, the install process has been simplified (less tricky, and more flexible), and the mockup has changed.
I plan to release 2 versions of ieFox9. This one, and a "light version" like the old preview ([link]).

Why 2 versions?
This new one is more a real crossover between Firefox and IE 9. It's this goal I always wanted to achieve. However, I like the minimal aspect of the first mockup.

I'm not going to change the code before the RC1. I Just want to show you where I am.
I tried out the theme with the official beta 7, the theme isn't entirely compatible. (though the preview seems to be nice : [link]).
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1280x671px 572.26 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Xeviousss
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link6155's avatar
Is this theme dead? :(