InuyashaXergille on DeviantArt

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did a major edit. placed another sig on the lower right.
i think full view's better in this one. :o

Kenshin+Kurama=Inuyasha! (hahaha, kidding. :XD:)

hmm...last night me and my brother watched inuyasha (out of boredom) then suddenly, "hey, i wanna draw this guy..". So this is the product of it.
anyway, i hit 3 birds w/ 1 stone in this one.
1st bird: i wanted to draw inuyasha (realism)
2nd bird: the tag request needs to be lessen... so i dedicate this to (hehehe, you didn't specify what you wanted, so hope this'll do ><;)
3rd bird: ah... i need to do something about the 100 themes challenge.. so this goes under the category... "cat" (even though inuyasha's a dog. :XD:)

that is all. :D
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500x700px 291.21 KB
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